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Choosing Spirit Leads to Inner Peace

Jackie Lora Jones PortraitI hope today finds you well!

One of my specialties is retraining the mind to attain inner peace.   What does that mean and how do we do it?

We live in an overstressed society and people are looking for relief.  Relief from a troubled relationship, a job,  an ailment,  taking care of someone, depression and so forth.

The problem is we’re looking for help in the wrong place.  We look for answers “in the world” (outside of us) right away instead of first going within and asking Spirit for guidance before taking action.   Most of us  have found that looking for relief outside ourselves, for example with medication, a new job, a new relationship, more money, etc., provides a temporary fix at best.  Why is that? Surely there’s nothing wrong with improving our lives by those means. That’s true. However, permanent relief and inner peace is never achieved.  Once we “fix” one problem in our world, another problem arises to take it’s place.

While we are are choosing our temporary fixes which can be necessary and helpful, we can also be aware that there is another choice in the Mind which provides “inspiration” to keep choosing spirit – leading to a consistent experience of peace and a permanent solution to our “problems”.

How does choosing Spirit help us? When we surrender to our Higher Self  we are inviting guidance from a higher thought system , which is our Right Mind where the Holy Spirit resides.  The Holy Spirit can see your whole life’s timeline in the world’s “classroom”.  The body is your communication tool moving through your life curriculum.  The body is an extension of the ego fear-based thought system.

Guidance can come from a place attuned to love or Spirit instead of fear. This is the other choice in the Mind (opposite of the ego) – the Holy Spirit’s classroom where He will interpret your life events differently.

Seeing your life situation from this perspective helps  attain permanent inner peace.  You can move through life and navigate  challenges from a peaceful place, letting love flow through you and your responses rather than acting and reacting out of fear.

Wake-up each day and place the Holy Spirit in charge of your day! Your external circumstances may or may not change, however, your EXPERIENCE can be peaceful no matter what is happening around you.

Say to yourself ” My body is my communication tool.  Spirit ( my true identity) is in charge of my day today.”

Be well everyone!

Jackie 🙂

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